Hello family! Another week has passed and here I am again! It is really going by soo fast. This week i swear we have already received like 10 inches of rain at least and there has been some awesome lightning storms and we are getting swamped! The thunder is different here too. It is like a dry crack and doesnt rumble like it does in utah. I love it though.
So I hurt my foot again playing soccer against some natives and it was really killing me. It is feeling better now and i just need to take it easy eh! We went to the temple again today and it was even better than last time! I actually understood a bunch of the spanish and I saw some awesome parts of Mexico! This one bus was just going along down the road and these little kids run it down and just jump on in the middle of this busy road! it was sketchy then they are just hanging on off the door. There are some cool Green birds here that I want to catch they look like parrots or something. My comps and I were contacting, our teacher outside, she was walking away and so we start chasing after her. All the sudden the heavens open up and just start dumping buckets of water on our heads. so we are runny for shelter but Perrine was introducing us to our contact on the run it was the funniest thing ever! I hope I get to teach someone again while they are on the run it makes missionary work even more exciting.
Congrats Braiden on the mission call! you are going to tear it up in Nebraska!
I cannot believe BYU lost their season opener!!! How embarrassing. It was prob. because i was not watching though. So in my casa, I am on the top bunk just like at home and I have been able to watch the rain at night which is really cool!
Mom I just got you package so thanks very much I have not opened it yet I am too busy right now but thanks for the stuff that will be in the package and I will be more greatful next week.
We got to listen to a talk by Ezra taft Benson this week called beware of pride. It was sooo good! I feel like that is the problem with me and with just about eveyone. It is the universal sin! He said Pride halts our progression in life. He said contention would not exist if pride were gone. Basically every problem come from pride. Even divorce and the BIG sins come as a result of Pride. Pride is the root of it all! So I have been researching pride this week and I am going to come off conquerer!
One of the devotionals I attended was on how to really convert. The essential component to missionay succes turned out to be the MEMBERS! There needs to be a member missionary connection that envelopes the work. This will multiply the results big time. So dad you should start that book of mormon placement challenge in the ward. Or even better spencer could start it. Ya know how we saw in Kents ward. ward memebers place two a week by volunteer. the speaker introduced this as the M&M work. WE all need to be in this with one heart, mind, and purpose.
OH! the other thing that really stood out to me this week was the first presidency preface to the himnos. It is awesome and you should read it at family home evening. Those hymns are soo cool! Memorize them, sing them, and love them,
There are a bunch of elders that I keep meeting that know people that i know it is such fun to make connections. Elder Williams is from Nephi´s ward in Plano. Elder Hink was great friends with Mason in Richfield. I played soccer agains Elder Cordova when he was with the Rangers, and it has been lots of fun wrecking the soccer games here with him. There is an elder that is from Kirk Bagleys parents ward, forgot his name. A ton of elders going to Pocatello. And there are more just cant think of them right now. one of the elders here actually went to this school and played soccer for three years at this high school which was awesome that he was back as a missionary.
Sad news though. One of my friends that was here went home this week. I was really really sad for him and for the people he could have taught. It also made me think of what I did wrong, how I could have been a better friend in school or even while he was at the MTC. I really hope he comes back and make sure you all are great friends, you can influence those around you to serve missions and stay on them and change their lives.
I know that this is Gods work and I am soo happy to be a part of it. Pray for me to do well this sunday during my priesthood lesson I am going to need it. Preaching for 30 min in spanish could be a tad difficult.
Love you all lots,
Elder Allen
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